Return Policies

No Return Policies
  1. 100% guarantee for new product supply.
  2. 100% guarantee for delivered products within time with standard courier service.
  3. Customer can verify whether their order is supplied or not via phone call or email services.
  4. We have a well-qualified team for order processing, packaging, and dispatching the order as per schedule.
  5. Customer can directly call or email or WhatsApp message to know his order status.
  6. We are testing all products before supplying their quality, performance, and durability.
  7. We have our own lab with advanced types of equipment for testing the products before supply to customers.
  8. We are using standard packaging to supply safe products to the customer.
  9. Also, we supply the most valuable products that are used only for special purposes, if the customer uses and after returns the products, then it's not useful for the company, therefore we have no return policies.
  10. Non-returnable mark on each product for understanding to the customer.